You run an online store? Or the magazine, which suffer from a lack of space and still looking for something?

Are you in the development of business and gaining customers or rather waste your time packing and addressing of parcels?

Focus on sales and customer service – pass logistics into the hands of specialists.

Additionally, take advantage of our discounts and low prices parcel courier.

Your benefits are:

  • rapid (on-line) execution of orders and delivery to the customer, which is the most expected value of online store,
  • decline in complaints – a safe and error-free packaging products,
  • restrict employment and at the same time stop worrying holidays and illnesses of employees – our team adapts dynamically to the number of daily orders,
  • using our reliable partner – courier, you gain favorable price conditions, without signing contracts.
  • If you bring the goods from outside the European Union can benefit from our warehouse and customs warehouse, which you pay duties only from sold lot
  • Effectiveness of running your business you’ll find in a series of reports that we provide.

Logmaster Company, provides comprehensive logistics services for small and medium-sized businesses. We store the goods, service delivery, completion and release of goods, provide support for returns, safely pack and ship merchandise. To parcels we attach invoices, manuals, warranties, advertising leaflets, freebies etc. We have a solid and favorable contracts with courier companies.